Monday, March 25, 2013

Short Week Long Week

When it comes to snow, I'm a fan of extremes... either NO snow or LOTS of snow.  Today it "snowed" all day, but no real accumulations.  More of the same.  Bleh :-/
I had dinner with friends after work so Alex had another night off.  Here's hoping that tomorrow he won't be too much of a wild man.  Even though I get Friday off (our office recognizes Good Friday) it's going to be a busy week and I'm going to have to sneak in my rides.
In the meantime, it's almost April... which means two things:
1) My Birthday...
And MOST important....
2) ROLEX!!!
Rolex Tickets!!!
This is, of course, my excuse to take time off work to excessively shop for horse stuff, take a ton of pictures and watch great riders until I'm literally exhausted. 
Yippeeee!  Just a few more weeks :-)


  1. Nice I'm so used to Rolex being same weekend of the KY Derby (or at least remembering it usually being the same weekend.

    1. Nope, weekend before the Derby, two whole weeks of fun :-)

  2. Hoping to get to Rolex is person next year! Sounds like so much fun - enjoy :)

  3. I will be there Thursday to Sunday and am as excited as you! Saving all the pennies now to be spent in just few Weeks!

    1. I'm there Friday to Sunday :-) Happy shopping!

  4. Very cool you're going to Rolex! I've never been, but my big horsey field trip of the year is coming up this weekend so I'm super excited.

    1. Love horsey field trips, I wish I could take more of them. I'm super spoiled to have Rolex practically in my back yard each year.
